
Trips 61-66 - Expanding the Map

 On these trips I've turned towards expanding the map. I'm trying to get all the cities within the area of approximately -10k, 10k and 10k, -10k done before considering whether I explore out more the spaces within that area or map the outlying cities. On trip 61, I added Eisdorf and Sacrementum. For trips 62-65, I expanded the Southwest area of the map adding Gernika, Sandtown, and Cold Drake. Lastly for now, I explored to East to Rose Meadows from Monsabor. So now the complete 11th edition of my map. As always, after you click on the image you can right click open in a new tab to view the original full size image.

Trips 56-60 and Third Canal

Greetings! It's taken a bit for me to get to posting this update, but here it is. For trips 56 through 60 I first explored more of the lands East of Haven before taken my attention southward again. First, I continued my exploration of the sea West of Monsabor. I wanted to clearly establish how that sea connected up with the sea of Tenebris, Citadelle, and Greenborough. So I explored its western edge by land and by sea. Then I explored the southern edge of Puerto del Sol's sea by land. I also put a major island within that sea on the map. Further, someone has been expanding the road system southwest of Rheinprovinz. That is something for me to monitor and to update my map as I'm able to. Finally, I created my third canal. This one links Puerto del Sol and Alcotown's seas. It may look like a modest distance on the map, but digging this canal required moving a lot of dirt, chalk, and stone. Now for the complete current map. Click on the image to enlarge. Right-click and op...

Monsabor - Trips 51 - 55

 For trips 51 through 55 I added Monsabor to the map and explored routes between it and various cities. First I sailed from Kudusriver eastward to Monsabor. Amusingly, I incorrectly entered a '9' instead of a '7' into my compass and so I grossly overshot the city to the East and had to return. Oh well, more land explored and added to my map. My next trip was northward to Tenebris by sail and overland. Then I returned to Monsabor using the airship and set sail for Puerto del Sol. I was pleased to find a long passage by sea. It included an area called Isla de Mob with large bridges connecting landmasses that were fun to sail around. Sometime in the future, I'll add labels for such interesting locations to the map. Then I took a trip from Rheinprovinz back to Monsabor. I intended to travel by land northwards of the sea I sailed between Monsabor and Puerto del Sol. However, I wasn't using my map and ended up traveling to the south of that sea. So for my final trip ...

Pluton, Venezia, and more southern routes - Trips 46 - 50

 This set of trips had me continuing to explore the southern regions of Your Land. I started in Alcotown and traveled by land south towards Aventiure. From there I turned to the Northwest and then northerly to Viskasteel. Then I completed that loop by returning to Alcotown. Next, I added Pluton and Venezia to the map starting with a journey along the road from Aventiure to Pluton. Then I hopped over to Porto del Sol and went overland to Venezia. From Venezia I journeyed back to Aventiure. Now my eighth exported map. Click to enlarge and then right click view in a new tab to see the original image.

Exploring Southern Seas - Trips 41-45

I'm trying to balance expanding the map to include more cities with providing detail to the areas it already covers. In favor of the latter, I've recently been exploring the seas in the southern half of the map starting with the one to the Southwest of Rheinprovinz. To my pleasant surprise I found it was larger than I thought and connected up with the sea that Port del Sol is on. Then I turned my attention to Alcotown's sea and finally explored a small sea that the road to Alcotown travels along. With those additions, here is the seventh export of my map of Your Land. Click and then right click view on new tab to see the original full-size image.

More canal building, Viskasteel, Aventiure, and More

 I took a small break from mapping as I built my second canal with a small fort/lighthouse. This one is closer to Greenborough and helps to connect it with the rest of a large sea. Once I got back to traveling, I found that the direct path from Egypt to Greenborough is entirely over land. Then I found an overland route from Odonhull to Viskasteel. From there, I explored the water ways around Viskasteel a little before finding a route from  there to Finntown. Finally, I took the airship to Aventiure and mapped a route to Alcotown and sailed again out of there. Here's the map. Click on it to enlarge and then right-click open in a new tab to see the full exported image.

Trips 30 - 35 plus canal building

 I create my map by logging trips. On each trip I take screenshots which records the coordinates. I use the coordinates from the screenshots to draw each trip. Then I color code the segment of the trip according to the method of travel and there we have our map. The basic idea of my map making is that if I record enough trips like this on my map then I'll get a rough idea of where the landmasses and seas are on the map. Below is a map of my 30th through 35th trips. I've also built my first canal linking two large seas.   And now my Fifth exported map. As usual, click on the image and then right-click "Open Image in New Tab" to see the full image.